Sunflower 04/26/2023 (Wed) 23:38 Id: e6bf8f No.3187 del
>Is BlackNet considered to be working for the GalFed at the moment?
No. It is an astral technology system whose creation was initiated by me by adapting the grey Remote and cloud concept to Earth humans by creating a similar thing based on black energy frequency instead of grey.

The addition of an AI layer and the avatar NET was inspired by the Lyran system known as Lyranet.

Neither of these have anything to do with the federation, who have their own technology. The only overlapping is that some weapons and servitors stored on modules (storage media) and available on blacknet are technology wise inspired by federation designs. This includes a few guns and machine guns and the Tanya defense servitor (because Tanya was inspired in part by the anime character who in turn was a meme mix of Russian and Nazi. Both the Soviet Union and National Socialist Germany were direct products of applying federation technology on Earth).

The majority of blacknet users are currently demons in different large hell dimensions, the rest are miner beasts (non lyran cat-likes) and randoms from different astral or physical planets.

While the federation has its own net, the majority of its members use ScaleForm, the reptilian system, because the federation is made up of 60% reptilians.