Anonymous 10/27/2019 (Sun) 01:40:33 No.24875 del
Pick the 10 ten that won't get you shadow banned/reported and shoot them out.
Ask others to help.
Include msg/meme.
Who knows what you might start?
1 round, fire of 10 hash (5 at a time), request support.
wait 20 min, if energy round 2, fire 10 (dif or same) hash (5 at a time), request support
Bonus, certain times of the day/night are best.
Me, i have Faith, so i jus fire any old time, kek
Round 3 ect.
Watch out for support getting burnt out.
Don't overuse, or they will not support next time.
Also when firing hash/msg/memes steady fire.
Think 'putting on a show'.
What would you enjoy?
What would make you not like the show?
1 GOOD player is not as effective as 10 lousy players.

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