Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 18:12 No.10335 del
If you have a degraded ZFS HDD, then I recommend mounting it as read-only. ZFS is "constantly" writing to the transaction log, so to minimize wear on it mount it as RO:
>$ sudo zpool import -o readonly=on zpool_name

Also, before deleting lots of stuff (after copying it to another HDD), I guess it is a good idea to make a snapshot:
>whatever the zfs command for this is
also consider the 3 copies vs. 2 copies vs. 1 copy idea >>10239


Wonder if Bronibooru's S3 bucket has been deleted yet.
. index
. at[filename]

Looks like the following is the case when uploading to Arweave (doesn't apply to ipfs):
. an image file without any extension = web browser -> HTTP -> download only (can't view image in browser)
. an image file with an extension like .jpg = web browser -> HTTP -> can view image in browser

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