Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 04:01 No.10333 del
>YouTube = pretty much non-deterministic data :[
Seems to only apply if FFmpeg is involved in combining streams. Same hash from two downloads of a lower-quality video with audio:
>$ yt-dlp -f 18 tr0BzjzFv38 -o tr0BzjzFv38.1.mp4
>$ yt-dlp -f 18 tr0BzjzFv38 -o tr0BzjzFv38.2.mp4
>$ sha1sum tr0BzjzFv38.1.mp4 tr0BzjzFv38.2.mp4
>2362efc09d1788dd9b5d2ca873e6b285f267f529 tr0BzjzFv38.1.mp4
>2362efc09d1788dd9b5d2ca873e6b285f267f529 tr0BzjzFv38.2.mp4
>$ # Should also look similar to this with video-only and audio-only files.
Non-360p video from

>File Mare\ day* = gone [backup location=WARC]
Redownloaded (=same amount of bytes). Another no-data-available file:

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