Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 07:55 No.10283 del
>> Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought.
> The first sentence of this statement alone could almost be mistaken for a simple comment on the meaninglessness of war; it could be the view of a pacifist, who speaks out against violence and war, arguing that there is no winner in a battle, for both sides have already lost in that they’ve resulted to such a low level of imagined resolution, that there will be no true resolution. Quentin’s father goes further than this though, and takes this idea of battles being impossible to win, and applies it to the concept of time – just like all other battles, there will be no conquerer; and thereby the father hopes that Quentin will not waste his time fighting battles, especially with time, for there will be no real gain. Then, Quentin’s father takes a step even further, which changes the whole meaning of his first sentence: He says that battles are not even fought. This baffling comment speaks volumes about humanity’s true nature. When you take a step back from reality and forget about all the man-made descriptions and limitations surrounding it (the due dates, the timelines, the names, time itself and numbers), it really is just one big mess that nobody understands, people can only act like they do; therefore, the battles going on, they mean nothing… Just as everything else means nothing, these battles, struggles, winnings and losses, they don’t actually happen because they’re just another detail to the chaos and absurdity of our existence which we cannot even discern from an illusion. Apply this to the fact that Mister Compson said he wants Quentin to forget about time – that’s exactly why, so that he can see the absurdity of reality and realize that it’s something we don’t understand, and so it isn’t worth stressing about. How can you win a battle when victory means nothing? How can you fight a battle when fighting means nothing? Our perspective of this mess is the only thing that makes it “real” – our thoughts on it and so forth; so really, life, this world, and this universe may as well just be a thought. This is the nihilistic worldview affirmed by Mister Compson.

I watched basically all of the Halo and BioShock videos from that channel, now there isn't anything else on that channel that I really want to watch.