Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 17:16 Id: e5e86d No.93273 del

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth maintains that the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings resembled more of a controlled demolition than a collapse due to plane impacts. There are likewise many other anomalies that challenge the official narrative of the attacks, such as molten metal appearing in the wreckage and the complete loss of the planes’ black boxes.

As for possible Israeli — or more accurately, Mossad — culpability, Laurent Guyénot is an excellent source. He offers the famous case of the “dancing Israelis,” who were disguised as Arabs and who were clearly celebrating the attacks as they were happening. They seemed to know exactly where and when the planes were going to strike beforehand. They also failed lie detector tests in prison. Even more baffling is the FBI’s sudden lack of interest in these men a mere two weeks after the attacks. They were all let go after 71 days.

Moreover, there are strange connections that beggar explanation, such as the presence of 30 of the 140 Israelis who had been detained prior to 9/11 in the town of Hollywood, Florida, where 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers had also been staying. There’s also Ali al-Jarrah, the cousin of one of the 9/11 hijackers, who spent 25 years as a Mossad spy.

Guyénot reports the following:

In spring 2001, real estate Jew Larry Silverstein leased the Twin Towers, which needed to be decontaminated for asbestos — a billion-dollar job, at the very least. He immediately renegotiated the buildings’ insurance to cover terrorist attacks, doubling their coverage. After 9/11, Silverstein, who had close ties to Benjamin Netanyahu, pocketed $4.5 billion.

• On the morning of 9/11, rather than having breakfast at the North Tower as he always did, Silverstein just happened to be seeing his dermatologist.

Wealthy Zionist — and George W. Bush financier — Maurice Greenberg, who owned the firm that was in charge of the World Trade Center’s security, was also one of the Twin Towers insurers — except that on July 24, 2001, he had the contract reinsured by competitors.

• The planes that crashed into the towers took off from Boston’s Logan Airport, which subcontracted its security to an Israeli firm — the same firm responsible for security at the Newark Airport, from where the flight that crashed in Shanksville had taken off.

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