Praise Jesus Christ 01/02/2024 (Tue) 06:01 Id: 3ab93d No.92095 del
The Jews are very often the Chicken they themselves strike against a wall. You could whine all day about how Jews own all the pornography websites but we must blame ourselves for buying into it, watching it and financially supporting it. There's two sides to a coin. There's always gonna be another jew to buy up Mindgeek if the head is eliminated. Discourage your own brothers and sisters from watching, liking and commenting supporting messages on the posts of whores instead. Jesus Christ, on another note, is God in the Flesh. His ethnicity matters little, to me at least, as What He Preached and Died for is of a far greater Concern and should be considered thoroughly for your own good. You'll do something actually productive if you went up to a whore's Twitter page right now and pointed out her sin instead of disregarding Jesus Christ because of His Race.