Bernd 12/16/2023 (Sat) 20:52 No.51396 del
About the Summer Offensive of AFU by Colonel Reisner of the Austrian army: [Embed]
It delivers good info and terms which describe the situation well (eg. treeline hopping or transparent battlefield).
I think major problem for Ukraine that they and their Western supporters couldn't prepare the mechanized brigades, which foreshadows that they most likely will be unable to do so in the future either.
Another weight which holds back Ukraine is the NATO brain trying to come up with plans based on non-existent conditions. They have a doctrine which assumes that their side has all the advantages, from numbers, through quality of equipment, to air superiority, and they try to force Ukraine to act as if these conditions were met. At NATO central they have to start assuming that their side is the weaker, and then when they accepted that premise and accepted the limited capabilities, only then they will be able to come up with something that is actually executable.