Drug Use in War Bernd 04/29/2023 (Sat) 19:48 No.50174 del
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Probably another topic that I won't ever really explore.
I accidentally came across of a tidbit that American Civil War soldiers were pumped full of opiates. Wanted to check out the reality behind it, and ofc I remembered Panzerschokolade, the methamphetamine many German soldiers took in WWII; and the limitless use of vodka in the Red Army, especially before attacks - so I heard.
So suddenly a whole new topic opened up. What about the use of drugs in other Allied armies? What about Lucky Strike? Vietnam and marijuana?
And ofc, is it an enabling factor in drug use? Does it make soldiers more readily kill? Which drugs? Neither? All? Surely the meth was used for inhuman physical feats, long marches and the like. Weed for relaxing after action. Alcohol to bring out aggression. But what about the rest?
Ofc we know some wars fought because of drugs too.