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welcome to /io/. if you're new here, feel free to look around. find something interesting? make a thread. anonymity enforced.

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google github leak

does anyone have it or know where to find it?

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Go down rabbit holes with us, find likeminded people, manifest yourself, etc.
We are looking to expand and open up to more members and topics, feel free to join our community.
Tests to pick out our finest specimens will be listed under a specific channel in the server.
Make sure to read the pinned message in the "gate" channel and answer it to gain access to the server.
Join Delirium.

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randy prozac

can't for get this classic. I still don't quite understand it and it's a bit too heavy on the schizoid conspiracy theory bs for my taste but I fucking adore the aesthetic.

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lain bs

in case anyone's not seen it yet here's a site that has a LOT of lain bs even to the point of explaining a religion centered around lain and instructions for accessing "the wired". interesting shit.

and if anyone wants more lain trivia here's a more well known site that goes into the more sane side of lain bs

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a fun really old blog by some odd girl. I think it's a fansite for some character in the book mouchette but it could just be a borrowed name or a coincidence.
