Anonymous 01/10/2021 (Sun) 15:01:16 No.4237 del
*sympathetically nod's to this notion*
absolutely.I hope to god its not real. However there is more things to this than I even want to really try and tabulate as i wanted to in this thread. For example there is a theme of painting the face white I can not understand for the life of is no urban witchinary, I can't type in white face dungeon garb and have anything meaningful show up. The same reason i made the board to lay stuff out in such a way others can contribute etc. I do not hang my hat on these memories. but there is this stuff happening to people and i bet the cabal even brags about trauma based mind control in their media. maybe it is an imaginative thing with me. That would be a godsend. regardless of my real or imagined/implanted/dissasociated/repressed/trauma-disguised experiences are - there is a masonic symbolical constant in the art i have seen the last year or 2. People do go through this stuff with active vivid memories. since childhood. and nothing can be more of an affront to what it means to be a satanic slave than me speculating about whisps of imagery in the late 1990's. That being said there has been a response by the cabal that goes into the very same part of my head that the pics in this thread light up. for example the kobe bryant/mr peanut correlation. how the cabal used kobe's death as a psyop and odd thing with of course the T-shirt i was wearing that day. (huge opsec fuckup there). and its also a matter of opsec not digging too close to home etc. the gangstalking people around me can't stop saying it is what it is. since i said it in this thread in this post here >>4084