META THREAD 3 - Still learning the new codes Anonymous 01/07/2016 (Thu) 09:14:26 Id: 361710 No. 55 del
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1. Obey global rules

2. Keep things related to history and its study.

2a. History, for the purposes of this board, covers pre-History and all events up to the fall of the Soviet Union. Further than that and it's considered political discussion or discussion of modern events- take it to /pol/ or /b/.

3. If lewd images must be posted, do so on spoilers. Consider if it wouldn't be better posted elsewhere.

3-a. If you're in doubt whether it's lewd enough to spoiler, err on the side of caution and do it.

GUIDELINES- not quite rules, but good to follow for good posting

1. Check the catalog before posting to see if a thread may already be available for your discussion.

1a. Avoid making threads expecting people to just do your homework for you. Show some work yourself in starting the discussion instead of just "guys what was the main reason for the fall of Sebastianism in the 19th century"

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Edited last time by TJ on 01/07/2016 (Thu) 11:40:48.