Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 21:33 No.42758 del
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0:09:10 Is ok with hurricane hillary clinton destroying all of california
0:10:20 Overwhelmed with OF messages, 100 a day. Will ignore custom requests.
0:14:00 Will not do "crazy stuff" "yet"
0:15:57 For the first year of patreon she was making more money than right now
0:19:11 Is using a management site to "get rid of people uploading stuff" (possibly responsible for the dmca bullshit on here)
0:20:00 A popular creator tried to invite bonbi into an OF management company
0:23:33 P-stars
0:24:30 0:25:30 Wants an agent
0:26:30 Posting once a week is overwhelming
0:26:40 Will do customs, but it'll be "a bit expensive"
0:30:00 Googled herself. Next several minutes are spent seething, yet also saying she doesn't care what others say.
0:32:30 Got 50% on a narcissism test
0:34:10 Damn right
0:37:30 >Never "yes-man" me
0:39:00 Has been bleeding out of her asshole the past few days because her anal cavity prolapsed

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