Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 13:20 No.65325 del
Yeah but I tried to excuse it as her autism or something with how quiet she seemed, plus she would talk my ear off about how seriously she takes her interests, more than everyone else. When it came to my interests she would constantly compare it to some random people on Twitter or telegram which was offensive to me but idk if that was intentional. I like reading and I've been trying to write and at first she seemed interested since she reads herself but after a little while she couldn't care less and I never even brought it up so when it came up naturally she didn't even pretended to be listening, again I wasn't annoying about it or anything, the only thing that stuck with her was when I would tell her I was worried if I was shallow with how hard it was to write but then she really latched on to that and I've seen screen shots of her making the same insults about me. When I would talk to her about books that we both read she couldn't really hold a conversation about it. I would actually go outdoors a lot and grow plants and such but she could only parse it through her telegram group, she would start arguments early in the morning saying she wished we would agree on more things. I know that was referencing me telling her I do not care nor respect anything about that anti-root chat and I found it disrespectful when she would ask them advice for things I don't need, what do 18 year olds and Nazi incel larpers have to offer me but that really pissed her off and that wasn't even a personal dig at her. When I talked about stuff like psychology and philosophy she compared me to her rapist, like immediately, and again I'm self aware enough to know I wasn't being an annoying pretentious asshole about it. When she did like something about me she wouitell me until much later, like how I would have self respect and not waste my time on certain things or how "stoic I was in the beginning" or certain neiche subjects that she would start posting about secretly especially after the break up. Her and the rest of Twitter had this boner for Soviet and Slavic stuff in general, mostly I think it was just war autistis but when I would bring something up that wasn't stalker or doestoyevsky she would do that thing of just staring blankly away from you. I think I already mentioned the story but she checked if I could read Russian once and I asked her what would she do I couldn't and she said she wouldn't call me out immediately and embarrass me later, she likes planning and catching people in lies. She also would frequently bring up how much more mature and older than she was than me in a way to humiliate me I guess.