Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 04:15 No.62959 del
Ok lots to unpack here man, but please answer these questions if you can or feel comfortable

>After that month long trip
What month long trip? And why was she trying to contact you again, didn't you say she had you blocked on everything?

>I told her how I cried at work once secretly
I don't know if this was a smart move, I mean sure, you tell the people you trust stuff that make you vulnerable to them, but she's the kind of person to actually despise you if you're ever emotionally vulerable to her

>one of those foot pics of hers
Damn, I thought all of those were photos she'd send you. I guess it'd be redundant to think she was messing with other men to send them that kind of shit. It's certain.

>I'm a bitch sure but at least I was genuine with her
I don't think you are, you've been more honest about this than she's ever been and it pisses me off how she's still pinning every single negative comment about her on her strawman monster of an ex going off on a smear campaign when it's actually just things she's actually done