iris 03/10/2024 (Sun) 04:47 No.53539 del
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its just seems like a bad idea i probably will only get coomers. maybe if i find or make an canada r9k server and plan a meetup lieke that after getting to know peopel
they will im sure. they have many diehard orbiters
i never fucked a "pajeet" i never specified the race of the person but yeah i get it. they are. pure and qt and perfect and im a loser neet who has nothing of value to offer. im thinking of trying to do asmr but my mic isnt good. maybe i should just make a whole new persona and be a vtuber or asmr youtuber as i already failed in making it as an streamer/egirl by being retarded at 14-16 . but you're kinda dumb to think id post tits while youre threatening to tell stuff to my father (which everyone has spammed my family with lies already so wutever)