Anonymous 04/17/2018 (Tue) 23:40:54 No.466 del
1 week ago

Agreed...He'll be known as Donald "Take the Guns now and get a Warrant later" Trump.

Kevin O
1 week ago

These diversions are a preface by deep state actors to cover their exit if and when Trump pulls the trigger on arrests by the loyal military.

kent knows
1 week ago

No one is exiting. Instead, things are being ramped up and the deep state/shadow government bully, is pushing hard on Trump. He, his family, his associates are under attack on all fronts. I don't know how the guy manages to hold it together under the stress. I worry that he'll crack at some point.

What "loyal military" are you referring to? There isn't any such thing. The military is a controlled entity. The people at the top are corrupt and part of the shadow government. Forget the Q hype and face reality.

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