Anonymous 03/04/2018 (Sun) 03:14:21 No.251 del
In closing, we can report that both Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Huma Abedin and NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden, were in Hawaii at the time of the false flag missile alert that was triggered over one week ago.

Note: Evidence now exists from NORAD that it was an Israeli submarine that fired the nuclear missile at the United States aka the state of Hawaii hoping that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was in Hawaii at the time. She was not.

The Israeli missile was actually shot down out of the air by the French using their nuclear satellite.

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is now calling for the direct arrest of both Clintons should they ever again set their foot on Hawaiian soil.

In closing, we can also divulge that the U.S. Military tribunals have ordered that Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina be arrested and taken to Guantanamo Bay for engaging in massive capital HIGH TREASON in regards to his attempt to destroy records leaking the Nazi German Bush Family aka Scherffs to not only massive illegal spying against the American People but also the crimes of 9/11 and the year 2000 election coup d'état which involved the use of NSA satellites and the roles of both the United Kingdom and Israel in the blatant hacking and overthrow Albert Gore Jr.’s election as U.S. President in the year 2000, a victory was not even close, with Gore amassing over 4.5 million popular vote majority and 324 Electoral College votes.