Catalog of /WhiteHatred/


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Lip Licking

Recently October 2022 the natzis and there masters have taken to licking their lips and raping even royal women now. These people are trash.

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Don't Call the Cops

I can't help that I was born aryan royalty. I did everything I could to inform as many people as I could. I tried to work from the inside to little effect. They don't like it if they don't obey as non royals there families die. It is the police and the judges and the royals who comply who are in the wrong.

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"We Don't Know"

"Accident" the car steered into the mopped.

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"Car Accident"

This car drove into this scooter intentionally. They use car accidents to delay. Or kill people to maintain plausable deniability. A lot of "royals" use food delivery to make money. As many of us find ourselves black listed from employment. "I know" "I won't let you" is a ginger kid good at hacking. Probably based out of Los Angeles.

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Police Execution

They parked on the tracks intentionally. Left a woman in the car. He covers his mouth and then toutches his ear. Full video on reddit. "Train Hits Cop Car With Woman Inside It"

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Seattle Stalkers

Airport Anchorage AK

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Aryan Origins

Where did it come from?
FDR warned us “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
During World War one and two the people producing the weapons made so much money they decided to by our democracy. Nobody kept watch so slowly they eroded democracy.
This secret society is old the reason that America was founded was on the idea of creating a better form of this organization. One nation under God. God is the name of the leader of the Aryan brotherhood.
World war one finished off the last of the actual kings’ powers. Now the power of money controls the world as we all know
“Royals” are the descendants of Jesus. This all originates from the knights templar and the holy grail.
The holy grail is the genealogical record of the blood of David. My older brothers name is David my dads name was David. His dad’s name was David. And so on. The Jews where commanded by the LORD to keep a genealogical record. It was found during the crusades.
Then Jesus came along. The people who killed him decided to take all that power. The catholic church has been evil since it’s conception hence the dark ages. They were not hunting for witches they were silencing people that spoke up against this secret society.
Daddy bush was in the skull and cross bones society. This is a breeding ground for the ones with there hands in their pockets.
Around World War 2 it became truly evil and out of control. Kennedy fought and was killed by the CIA. Malcom X all those famous people that died during that time all silenced. Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA when they created the Taliban. Thus, ensuring a worst enemy in order to sell weapons.
Soon enough they were removing presidents Nixon, Clinton. Did not go along with the establishment of the new world order. Neither did Russia after World War 2 thus they became the boogie man.
Dick Cheney was on the board of Haliburton. Profited massively from the 9-11 attacks. That kicked off years of war that we paid for and did not want. Against an enemy that they created in the first place. They did not create IRAN thus they are so afraid of them.
This is how we got here. This is what it is. I am “God” I am “Q” nobody listens to me thus the satanic elite control the world. Cancel culture is the weapon they use against the rich. “Watch what you do” Trump is being canceled. On the march on the capitol, they would not even let him be a part of it.
Nobody is above these faceless name less global elites. Though they deserve no such credit.

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Anthony Law Group

The Aryan Brotherhood when you call the cops you call us. They have judges on the payroll to avoid prococution.
They are using hand signs to indicate afiliations. Hands in pocket indicates royalty. Covering face indicates code of scilence. Pointing indicates follwing royalty. Toutching ears indicates knowledge of the system. Hands on hips indicates that they are maried to royalty.
Brainwashing and molesting children.
There is a guy working for google who is the one fucking with your internet.
I guess they decided to be evil.
Anthony Law group is hevily connected to them. A guy named Kenneth C Anthony Jr is in charge.
There is a group of "Royals" who cannot be arested operating out of green lake in seattle.
They are doing this for only the benefit of the super rich and must be stoped.

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this man has followed me and robed me. He is in a jacker gang in seattle. Beats women to death. Phycopath over six feet tall with black hair.
