Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:15 No.46697 del
I don't usually like this place nor read any of your comments because all of ya'll have some serious amounts of cray.

But this is the best I got as far as helping out a friend.

Anyways here's some stuff that was meant for Bonbibonker's birthday. If you could get her to see this that would be great.

Also Mango's ironic last message that was meant for her birthday:

Happy Birthday Bon, congratulations on making it to 21. you're now legally able to get drunk (with the rest of us,) Yaaaaaaayyyy (But for the love of God please don't over do it.)

I know you hate my guts and there's nothing I can do to change that. (cause believe me I've tried, like no really I'm running out of ideas to come up with, somebody help)

But as I said last time I'm gonna support you till the end. Even if that means I'm gonna crash and burn. And I'm gonna hold my word to it for as long as I can.

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