Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 20:29 No.28454 del
>How many of you are still around
maybe 5 or 6. a few others pop in on rare occasion
>why have you stopped posting on /bant/?
geordie moved his activities almost entirely to /b/ drawthreads, twitter, and 9chan (now here since 9chan is dead) following the carmen stream since she was keeping watch on /bant/, so most of us followed him, and since /bant/ is shit now, most of us eventually left there entirely as well
>What happened to Carmen, is our boy living apart now with a handler or has he just beaten her into submission?
no one knows, rumor has it she died and he buried her deep inside of his piss closet. he said she was having some sort of medical issues and at one point he moved into her bedroom
>What happened to Sig?
no clue about this one
>Why does the Australian police force allow the senile old man to continue grooming mentally ill children and rape our eyeballs with his edits?
if they were to arrest santa claus, that would ruin christmas forever
>Do you also think eggplant is disgusting?
i don't think i've ever had it