Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 04:06 No.28271 del
It's damaging to taint an event as "inappropriate". Bitch I was never even REMOTELY jerking off to anybody, not even a "minor" you keep screeching about.
>into private discord cha-
Since when?
That's right, since never. It never happened.
>still with the poor map insult
go insult actual paraphiles instead of people who like fiction art and those of my own age. Also, still not pdd. I have no delay in communicating or stuff like that. You aren't a doctor nor a good diagnostic person.
>like you ignored on bant
I left bant already. Lol.
>y-you were his next fixa-
No i never wanted to be his friend.
He randomly found me of all places just to 'fuck' with me...
I stopped talking to him
She unfortunately enabled your pedo ass. Kill yourself.

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